Natasha Rodgers of Somerset created a non-profit organization to honor her grandfather. The Simuel Whitfield Simmons Organization continues the legacy of a minister who believed that it takes a village to strengthen a family. During the past 10 years, without collecting a salary, she has conducted clothing, food and furniture drives and created a youth mentorship program. Her approach has been to help less fortunate members of the community know that every dream can be realized through hard work and determination. The Simuel Whitfield Simmons Organization is dedicated to improving the quality of life and access of resources for families and youth residing in New Jersey. Through outreach and several programs, the organization seeks to break the cycle of poverty by empowering families and youth to achieve self-sufficiency. The vision is to teach individuals and families how to achieve personal and financial success through various channels with the goal to decrease the need for assistance by helping individuals realize the potential they have to achieve their goals. They look at educational, financial, personal and professional goals. No matter what class, color or creed, the sky is the limit if you dare to dream.
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The 2025 Russ Berrie Making a Difference Award
Ready To Nominate a NJ Changemaker?
Nominate your friends or neighbors, community leaders and advocates . . . people who are making New Jersey a better place to live. Start an application or read more about the nomination process.
Deadline for entry: February 7, 2025
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