
Joyce Jenkins

2014 Honoree

Focus Area:

Health (Physical & Mental)

Organizational Affiliation:


For her work providing primary medical services to the underserved in Freehold, Joyce Jenkins of Marlboro was awarded a $50,000 Russ Berrie Award for Making a Difference. Jenkins is the founder and director of the Paul M. McGuire Family Health Center in Freehold. A nurse practitioner, she had been a volunteer at a free clinic in Neptune. When the clinic moved to a larger facility, Jenkins saw an opportunity to bring free medical services to the Freehold area. She convinced the clinic to donate the trailer they had been using to provide medical services to Jenkins’ church, New Beginnings Agape Christian Center. She recruited a medical director and medical professionals. She secured funding and private donations to start the McGuire Family Health Center. The Center opened in 2005 and nearly all who work there are volunteers who provide desperately needed health care services. Jenkins’ dream expanded when the Center moved to a larger facility in 2007. The Center provides physical and primary care services, immunizations and pediatric, ophthalmology and dermatological services. The Center has served more than 3,000 patients, totaling over 10,000 visits.

The Center, which  provides free medical services for those who have no medical coverage or insurance. The clinic provides free medical care to the uninsured and working poor at no cost to the individual providing services in the areas of glaucoma, gynecology, dermatology, ophthalmology, pediatric, immunizations, physical examinations, primary care, and diabetes classes. Since opening, the clinic has provided health care to approximately 5000 patients consisting of approximately 12,000 visitations. Eighty-five percent of the staff are volunteers (including the doctors and nurses). It is open Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-9pm.