
Allyson Gilbert

2002 Honoree

Focus Area:

Health (Physical & Mental)

Organizational Affiliation:

FAVOR (Friends Assisting Victims Of terroR)


Allyson Gilbert of Middletown felt compelled to help the families of the 34 residents of her town who perished on September 11. She knew that, in addition to money, these families would need friends and services. With a handful of Middletown residents, Allyson formed FAVOR (Friends Assisting Victims of terroR) to canvass the community collecting donations of services such as lawn maintenance, plumbing repairs, computer assistance and preschool tuition. Thus far, FAVOR has provided each family with goodies such as toys, candy, books and gift certificates help families get through holidays and cement relationships by keeping the volunteers in touch with survivors. Not only has Allyson been able to bring smiles to the faces of the grieving families, but she has bonded the people of Middletown in a way that will never diminish or be forgotten.