
Thelma Thiel

Cedar Grove
Homenajeado en 1998

Area de enfoque:

Salud (física y mental)

Afiliación Organizacional:


Thelma King Thiel’s crusade against liver disease began five decades ago following the loss of her infant son Dean to Biliary Atresia, a rare liver disease that caused cirrhosis. Having created the Dean Thiel Foundation to raise funds for liver research, she was the first patient advocate to inform Congress about the liver and the dire need to fund liver research. This began her five decade journey promoting understandable liver information, absent in schools for decades. Having served on the National Commission On Digestive Diseases and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH, she organized the American Liver Foundation and began promoting liver health and wellness information, producing several award winning videos for use in schools and clinics. Collaborating with SAMHSA she trained over 5,000 of their grantees promoting the prevention of substance abuse and at CDC’s recommendation, she worked with WHO’s leadership and
attended numerous WHO meetings in Europe with representatives from a dozen Hepatitis Organizations. A documentary called “The Visionary” aired on 140 PBS stations highlighting Ms. Thiel’s global efforts promoting liver health education in memory of her son, Dean.
Responding to growing concerns about hepatitis, she organized the Hepatitis Foundation International, founded the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, organized the First Satellite Teleconference on Hepatitis C and several “Walks on Washington” for hepatitis patients to meet with legislators. Collaborating with elementary schools in Atlanta, Georgia, she created two Let’s Kick Hepatitis campaigns bringing 1,000 students to the Georgia Dome to view HFI’s video Respect Yourself-Protect Yourself to learn about their liver, have some fun, and meet NFL Coach Dan Reeves, an avid supporter of Ms. Thiel’s unique Liver Education approach.  She has since spoken to a dozen NFL teams at the recommendation of Coach Reeves.  Working with State Health Departments and support groups, she informed thousands of uninformed hepatitis patients about their liver through Meet the Researchers programs in each state. Thiel is recognized as the Liver Lady for creating effective teaching tools, award winning DVDs and two “eye-catching” coloring books with subtitles in several languages, helping lay a foundation for preventing numerous liver diseases and reaching a broad audience of children and uninformed adults. 

Concerned about the ongoing need to include liver information on the National Health Agenda, she co-founded the Liver Health Initiative in 2016,  joined by an outstanding Board of Directors and Advocates for Prevention representing the University of North Illinois, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Alberta, Vanderbilt University and many more. LHI is also collaborating with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the National Institute of Health to ensure positive outcomes in efforts to address HCV “hesitency” issues. Thiel is also collaborating with a USDA program promoting  prevention of obesity among low-income, low literacy Hispanic communities throughout the country. She has also received the Above and Beyond Award presented by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation for her ongoing dedication and service in support of public health.

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